How To: Prepare for Disaster

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Prepping isn't just for people on the fringe; it's a rational response to a world that's growing less secure by the day. In this guide, we'll show you how to prepare for a wide range of disaster scenarios, and build systems for maintaining water, food, and energy security in times of crisis.

Essential Preparedness

5 Articles

In this section we'll cover core concepts for preparedness, including evaluating your risks, taking stock of your resources, the 2 main types of disasters, putting together an emergency plan, preparing a go-bag, and 10 essential items (that won't break the bank) to get you through the most common disaster scenarios.

Disaster Mitigation

5 Articles

When disaster strikes, proper mitigation can make the difference between being able to return to your life, or having to start over from scratch. We'll show you how to prepare your home and lessen the impact of fires, floods, storms, and extreme heat.

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The Three Layers of Water Security

4 Articles

Water is the foundation of life; without access to clean water, we have no long-term chance of survival. Whether you live in a drought or flood-prone area, we'll show you how to collect, treat, store, and recapture water to ensure you don't run out of this essential resource.

The Three Layers of Food Security

15 Articles

How long could you last if the grocery shelves were empty? Climate change, resource shortages, and international conflicts are real and present threats to our food supply. We'll show you how to prepare an emergency food store, preserve food for long-term storage, source food from your surroundings, and establish relationships with local food suppliers.

The Three Layers of Energy Security

10 Articles

Energy heats our home, powers our appliances, and keeps us in contact with the world; it's not hard to imagine scenarios where losing power could be an existential threat. From backup power to full off-grid systems, we'll show you how to produce and store energy from a wide array of sources.

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