About Us


A hand holding a compass.

We founded The Reliance School in 2022 to help build a better world for future generations.  That's our north star, and every action we take is in support of that goal.

The systems that got us into this mess aren't showing any signs of stopping, so we're taking a bottom-up approach to the polycrisis;1 not saving the world in one swoop, but taking responsibility for your little corner of it.

We believe in this approach because it's empowering. It gets you out of apathy and depression,2 and helps you reclaim purpose and meaning in your life. We're not here to waste time on judgement or guilt trips; we want to create positive feedback loops and transform those systems from the inside out. When you become a more resilient individual, you become a part of that change.


An open road facing mountains.

Right now, time is of the essence. Climate change is approaching more rapidly than predicted,3 and we can already feel the ripple effects on our society. We want to help you get a foothold before it's too late.

Our guides are underway, and our goal is to deliver 1-2 new articles per week until the written content is complete. As soon as we're able to, we want to bring on experts from different fields to contribute their perspectives. And if you learn better with visual elements, we'll soon be expanding our articles with images, videos, and interactive tools.

These guides aren't static; we'll be continually updating your content to include new information as it emerges in the fields of climate science, sustainability, and resilience.


A magnifying glass.

If we want to build a better future, we need to lead by example. The Reliance School is a carbon-negative company; we don't manufacture any physical products, and all the electricity we use comes from a solar farm here in Boulder, Colorado.4 We've also partnered with Stripe Climate5 to immediately direct 5% of your purchase price towards frontier carbon removal projects.

While the internet is a powerful tool for disseminating truth, it's equally capable of spreading misinformation. So we won't be making any claims or statements that aren't supported by scientific study, first principles,6 or real-world experience. And throughout your guides, we'll be using footnotes to link directly back to our sources.

The Reliance School is a private company, so we're not beholden to boards or investors. We have no financial partnerships and earn no commissions from sales outside our ecosystem. The decisions we make are directed solely by our team, guided by our mission to build a better future for ourselves, our communities, and our planet.

Footnotes & References